DAT210x - Programming with Python for DS

Module5- Lab10

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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from sklearn.utils.validation import check_random_state
import scipy.io.wavfile as wavfile

Good Luck! Heh.

About Audio

Samples are Observations. Each audio file will is a single sample in our dataset.

Find more information about Audio Samples here).

Each .wav file is actually just a bunch of numeric samples, "sampled" from the analog signal. Sampling is a type of discretization. When we mention 'samples', we mean observations. When we mention 'audio samples', we mean the actually "features" of the audio file.

The goal of this lab is to use multi-target, linear regression to generate by extrapolation, the missing portion of the test audio file.

Each one audio_sample features will be the output of an equation, which is a function of the provided portion of the audio_samples:

missing_samples = f(provided_samples)

You can experiment with how much of the audio you want to chop off and have the computer generate using the Provided_Portion parameter.

Play with this. This is how much of the audio file will be provided, in percent. The remaining percent of the file will be generated via linear extrapolation.

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Provided_Portion = 0.25

The Assignment

You have to download the dataset (audio files) from the website: https://github.com/Jakobovski/free-spoken-digit-dataset

Start by creating a regular Python List called zero:

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# .. your code here ..

Loop through the dataset and load up all 50 of the 0_jackson*.wav files using the wavfile.read() method: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.14.0/reference/generated/scipy.io.wavfile.read.html Be careful! .read() returns a tuple and you're only interested in the audio data, and not sample_rate at this point. Inside your for loop, simply append the loaded audio data into your Python list zero:

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# .. your code here ..

Just for a second, convert zero into a DataFrame. When you do so, set the dtype to np.int16, since the input audio files are 16 bits per sample. If you don't know how to do this, read up on the docs here: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.DataFrame.html

Since these audio clips are unfortunately not length-normalized, we're going to have to just hard chop them to all be the same length. Since Pandas would have inserted NANs at any spot to make zero a perfectly rectangular [n_observed_samples, n_audio_samples] array, do a dropna on the Y axis here. Then, convert one back into an NDArray using yourarrayname.values:

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# .. your code here ..

It's important to know how (many audio_samples samples) long the data is now.

zero is currently shaped like [n_samples, n_audio_samples], so get the n_audio_samples count and store it in a variable called n_audio_samples:

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# .. your code here ..

Create your linear regression model here and store it in a variable called model. Don't actually train or do anything else with it yet:

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# .. your code here ..

There are 50 takes of each clip. You want to pull out just one of them, randomly, and that one will NOT be used in the training of your model. In other words, the one file we'll be testing / scoring on will be an unseen sample, independent to the rest of your training set:

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# Leave this line alone until you've submitted your lab:
rng = check_random_state(7)

random_idx = rng.randint(zero.shape[0])
test  = zero[random_idx]
train = np.delete(zero, [random_idx], axis=0)

Print out the shape of train, and the shape of test.

train will be shaped: [n_samples, n_audio_samples], where n_audio_samples are the 'features' of the audio file

test will be shaped [n_audio_features], since it is a single sample (audio file, e.g. observation).

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# .. your code here ..

The test data will have two parts, X_test and y_test.

X_test is going to be the first portion of the test audio file, which we will be providing the computer as input.

y_test, the "label" if you will, is going to be the remaining portion of the audio file. Like such, the computer will use linear regression to derive the missing portion of the sound file based off of the training data its received!

Let's save the original test clip, the one you're about to delete half of, to the current directory so that you can compare it to the 'patched' clip once you've generated it. You should have already got the sample_rate when you were loading up the .wav files:

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wavfile.write('Original Test Clip.wav', sample_rate, test)

Prepare the TEST data by creating a slice called X_test. It should have Provided_Portion n_audio_samples audio sample features, taken from your test audio file, currently stored in variable test. In other words, grab the FIRST Provided_Portion n_audio_samples audio features from test and store it in X_test. This should be accomplished using indexing:

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# .. your code here ..

If the first Provided_Portion * n_audio_samples features were stored in X_test, then we need to also grab the remaining audio features and store them in y_test. With the remaining features stored in there, we will be able to R^2 "score" how well our algorithm did in completing the sound file.

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# .. your code here ..

Duplicate the same process for X_train, y_train. The only differences being:

  1. Your will be getting your audio data from train instead of from test
  2. Remember the shape of train that you printed out earlier? You want to do this slicing but for ALL samples (observations). For each observation, you want to slice the first Provided_Portion * n_audio_samples audio features into X_train, and the remaining go into y_train. All of this should be doable using regular indexing in two lines of code:

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# .. your code here ..

SciKit-Learn gets 'angry' if you don't supply your training data in the form of a 2D dataframe shaped like [n_samples, n_features].

So if you only have one SAMPLE, such as is our case with X_test, and y_test, then by calling .reshape(1, -1), you can turn [n_features] into [1, n_features] in order to appease SciKit-Learn.

On the other hand, if you only have one FEATURE, you can alternatively call .reshape(-1, 1) on your data to turn [n_samples] into [n_samples, 1].

Reshape X_test and y_test as [1, n_features]:

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# .. your code here ..

Fit your model using your training data and label:

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# .. your code here ..

Use your model to predict the label of X_test. Store the resulting prediction in a variable called y_test_prediction:

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# .. your code here ..

SciKit-Learn will use float64 to generate your predictions so let's take those values back to int16, which is what our .wav files expect:

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y_test_prediction = y_test_prediction.astype(dtype=np.int16)

Score how well your prediction would do for some good laughs, by passing in your test data and test label y_test:

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# .. your code here ..

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print("Extrapolation R^2 Score: ", score)

Let's take the first Provided_Portion portion of the test clip, the part you fed into your linear regression model. Then, stitch that together with the 'abomination' the predictor model generated for you and then save the completed audio clip:

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completed_clip = np.hstack((X_test, y_test_prediction))
wavfile.write('Extrapolated Clip.wav', sample_rate, completed_clip[0])

Congrats on making it to the end of this crazy lab and module =) !

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